The Savitribai Phule Pune University conducted the Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (MH SET) to select the candidates for the Assistant Professor vacancies in universities and colleges. The exam was held on 07 April 2024 from 10 am to 11 am at 18 centres in the Maharashtra and Goa.
A considerable number of candidates participated in the MH SET exam. Now, they are waiting to access the result from the official website. The authority will publish the results on the official website. Aspirants can download the MH SET Result on the official website through the university’s direct link.
MH-SET Result 2024
Exam Name | Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (MH SET) |
Organiser | Savitribai Phule Pune University |
Post Name | Assistant Professor |
Examination Date | 07 April, 2024 |
Result | To be announced |
State Concerned | Maharashtra |
Official Website | |
This was the 39th MH SET Exam conducted by the Savitiribai Puhle University. The board will publish the results officially. Now the university is preparing the result. Candidates can download it by logging their ID or password. The result will be made available in the pdf format.
Examination Overview of MH SET 2024
- The exam was divided into two parts.
- In part 1 candidates obtain 50 Multiple choice questions that consist total of 100 marks which means for one correct answer students will be awarded 2 marks.
- In part 2 100 multiple choice questions consisted of 200 marks. For one correct answer candidates will obtain 2 marks.
- There was 1 hour to complete the part one. For part 2 the time duration was 2.5 hours.
- The authority took part one between 10 am to 11 am. and part two was conducted between 11:30 AM TO 1:30 pm.
Result Preparation Process of MH SET
After completion of the examination, the university will publish the provisional answer key on the official website. Students must check their answers or calculate the score with the provisional answer key. If candidates make any mistakes in the answers to the provisional answer key then they should contact the university by objecting to the incorrect answers of the uploaded provisional answer key. After reviewing the objection the university will publish the final answer key on the official website. After publishing the final answer key, candidates cannot apply again to recheck it. It will be unchangeable. The final answer key will be based on the candidate’s response to the exam and the difficulty level of the exam.
MH SET Merit List
The university will publish the merit list on the official website. The merit list will contain the candidate’s name, roll no, and total marks. On the merit list, the name of those students who obtain higher marks will get their name on the top of the merit list.
How do you check the MH SET Result for 2024?
Here are the step-by-step instructions to download the result easily from the official website.
- Go to the official website at
- On the homepage, look for the result section and click on it.
- Enter the required details in the respective field.
- Submit it with full attention.
- The result will appear on the screen.
- Download it and take a printout of it for further needs.