Prime Minister Narendra Modi organized an online meeting with around 3 lakh people from backward classes across 470 districts of India to introduce the PM-Suraj official Portal. On 13th March 2024, an official virtual inauguration event was held in the presence of Social Justice Minister Virendra Kumar and other esteemed guests to kickstart a new journey for underprivileged sections of society.
The PM-Suraj Portal is an official website under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment aimed at providing affordable credit support to people from backward classes. Additionally, PM Modi also announced the distribution of Ayushman Health cards and PPE kits to ‘Safai Mitras’ under the NAMASTE scheme (National Action for Mechanized Sanitation Ecosystem).
PM Suraj Portal 2024
Scheme/Portal Name | Pradhan Mantri Samajik Utthan and Rozgar Adharit Jankalyan portal |
Type | SBMS(Social Benefits Management System) |
Concern Ministry | Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment |
Launch Date | 13 March, 2024 |
Who is Eligible? | Scheduled Caste, Backward Class, Safai Karamchari |
Loan Purpose |
Loan amount | Upto Rs 15 lakhs |
Department Address | NSKFDC, NTSC,3rd Floor, E-Block, NSIC, Okhla Industrial Estate- III, New Delhi-110020 |
Official website Link | |
To fulfill the shared goal of “Sab ka Saath, Sab ka Vikaas,” PM Modi highlighted the achievements of his government over the past decade, especially focusing on the benefits received by the lower classes through programs like Jan Dhan Yojna, PM-JAY, PM Mudra Yojna, Standup India, and Ujjwala Yojna.
By cutting out middlemen and extra fees, many people now directly receive money in their bank accounts because of these efforts. Every month, over 80 crore disadvantaged individuals get free rations, and those in the BPL category receive free medical care up to Rs 5 lakhs. Additionally, over Rs 1 lakh 60 thousand crore has been spent in just one year for the advancement of the SC community.
With a total spending of Rs 30 lakh crores, the government is providing loans to the underprivileged to promote the growth of their own businesses. In line with this initiative, additional schemes such as the Ambedkar Social Innovation Scheme, the Incubation Mission (ASIIM), and special Venture Capital Fund Schemes (VCF-SC) have been introduced. An extension of this same philosophy is the PM-Surya portal 2024.
What is PM-SURAJ Portal ?
The PM-Surya Portal, also known as the “Pradhan Mantri Samajik Utthan and Rozgar Adharit Jankalyan” portal, aims to offer free credit support to the country’s marginalized communities. Its objective is to establish a direct application and loan payment system for both beneficiaries and the government.
Managed by the NSFDC, NSKFDC, and NBCFDC departments, this portal serves as a platform for managing social benefits, tracking documents, and providing civilians with benefits from government programs.
Individuals from the Safai Mitras, OBC, and SC categories can apply for loans through the PM-Suraj portal. The maximum loan amount available for them is Rs 15 lakhs, and they need to apply under the corresponding category on the portal.
PM Suraj Loan Application Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the PM-Surya Portal, you must meet the following criteria:
- Age must be above 18 years.
- Must belong to one of the following categories Scheduled Caste, Backward Classes and Safai Karmchari
- Should not have applied for any other government loan scheme.
PM-SURAJ Portal – Online Loan Apply Process
Here are the steps to apply for a loan on the PM-Suraj Portal 2024:
- Visit the official website of the PM Suraj Portal 2024:
- Click on the ‘Sign up’ option to register for the first time.
- Enter your mobile number and Aadhaar card details.
- Verify your identity by entering the OTP received on your registered mobile number.
- Attach your Digilocker for further application and create a password.
- Log in again using your mobile number and the password you entered during PM-SURAJ registration.
- Choose one of the three schemes and click on ‘Apply for Loan’.
- Fill in your details like mobile number, annual family income, CIBIL score, purpose of the loan, bank to take the loan from, and your bank account details.
- Provide details about the purpose of the loan.
- Upload the required documents.
- Complete the verification process and submit your application.
- Your Suraj Portal loan application is now complete. You can check the status of your application by logging in on the same site.
- Upon verification, the loan amount shall be sent directly to your bank account.
PM-SURAJ Portal Official Link –